Garuda Robotics has partnered with Wild Asia to deliver spatial analytics to smaller oil palm producers in Malaysia. The solutions offered include the digital mapping of farm plots (visual, near infra-red) and aerial data analytics (NDVI and tree-counts).
These insights can be combined with Farm Information and other digital spatial information within a GIS (geographic system) to allow for better analysis and understanding of the farm performance. Our solution extends to making these images and analysis available via online platforms such as Garuda Plex, that allow individual farmers or group managers to access the information.
The solution we are developing is designed to be affordable to smaller producers but can be scaled-up to offer enterprise solutions for larger estates. With Garuda Robotics, we are also able to build, equip, train field teams to manage the digital workflow at the operational level.
SPOTS Project by Wild Asia Group Scheme (WAGS)
Wild Asia is an independent social enterprise working on sustainability issues in the agriculture, forestry, and tourism sectors. Since 2005, Wild Asia has been working to promote sustainability in the palm oil sector by conducting biodiversity, social, and supply chain assessments and providing training in various aspects of RSPO. We have supported producers in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, PNG, The Solomon Islands, Cameroon and Ghana to prepare to meet the requirements of RSPO.

Garuda Robotics is a leading provider of drone solutions and services in Southeast Asia. The Garuda Robotics Academy is our training arm, drawing on our extensive operational experience in agriculture, infrastructure inspections, and oil & gas to train professional drone pilots.