Instructions to Request Account Deletion
Use these instructions to request deletion of Garuda Robotics app accounts, including the following:
- Plex Pilot (Android or iOS)
- MyDroneFleets
- Facilities 4.0
- Overwatch
- Tenera
If you are an individual Plex user
Send an email to [email protected] with subject line of “Delete Plex User Account”.
All your account data and login credentials will be deleted.
If you are a user within a Company
Please contact your Company Administrator to have your account deleted.
Your login credentials will be deleted, but data associated with the Company will be retained.
If you are a Company Administrator
First login to Garuda Plex Accounts and delete all other user accounts within your company.
Then send an email to [email protected] with subject line of “Delete Plex Company Administrator Account”.
All data relating to your Company and your login credentials will be deleted.