Garuda Plex Release Notes

If you’re using the online version of Garuda Plex, you will always be using our latest releases. For our on-premise customers, you can refer to the following release summary when speaking to our support.

Upcoming Releases

Version: 1.9.2
Date: May 2020
– Plex Horizon compatibility release

Version: 1.9.1
Date: Apr 2020
– Garuda Plex Live Tier SaaS purchase

Current and Past Releases

Version: 1.9.0
Date: 10 Apr 2020
– Significant round up of changes! Some breaking change but should only affect a small subset of you that we have reached out to already.
– PDF generation of Powerpoint for CAAS permit application
– Plex Pilot (iOS) compatibility release
– Upcoming deprecation: Satellite Map purchase will be deprecated soon. If you continue to need to purchase Satellite Maps, please contact us and we will provide you an alternative workflow.

Version: 1.8.9
Date: 31 Oct 2019
– Plex Pilot (Android) compatibility release
– Advanced AirMap integration
– Drone Friendly area now available on Plex MAP
Sorry we haven’t had much new features on Garuda Plex! Most of our dev time has been spent on BVLOS capabilities on an upcoming product (Plex Horizon).

Version: 1.8.8
Date: 31 Mar 2019
– Bug fix release
– Enabling Plex LIVE for our enterprise customers. Garuda SkyStream is no longer offered as a standalone service. To enjoy the live streaming, you need to have the Plex LIVE capability.
– Upcoming deprecation: Garuda Props will be deprecated with the launch of Plex Pilot. If you have Garuda Props installed, we will be writing to you on the migration steps over to use Plex Pilot.

Version: 1.8.7
Date: 30 Oct 2018
– We have more features for deployment planning. You can now add emergency landing points, construct more complex flight paths, and more
– Better incident management module to match up with CAAS incident reporting framework

Version: 1.8.6
Date: 12 Jul 2018
– We have improved our Powerpoint generation template for CAAS permit application
– We have enhanced our deployments module with various UI improvements
– We have added Live indication for our enterprise API customers

Version: 1.8.5
Date: 1 Jun 2018
– New feature for our deployment module to download deployment summary for CAAS permit application in Powerpoint.
– We have updated our Video player to have HUD display to show live telemetry from drone.
– We have added BuyMap feature where you can order a map to be generated from your uploaded drone images.

Version: 1.8.4
Date: 16 Apr 2018
– Major refresh for our deployment module UI. We have made it easier to add new personnel, equipment, targets, flight plans and flight sessions to deployment.
– We have updated our Video player and streaming capability for our enterprise customers to have low latency video streaming from their drones with latency about 1s.
– Refresh project and deployment planner to incorporate Airmap rule sets and National Park polygon.
– New feature is added to Ops module to add incident report.

Version: 1.8.3
Date: 23 Mar 2018
– Major upgrade to our Map module, you can now view National Park polygon and Protected Airspace under Air Navigation Act section 7 polygon in Singapore No Fly Zones. We have also updated other countries airspace by using new Airmap rule sets.
– Major upgrade to our 3D Viewer, where the model is hosted in our own server.

Version: 1.8.2
Date: 31 Jan 2018
– Bug fix on flight module

Version: 1.8.1
Date: 17 Jan 2018
– Updated map annotations summary report. You can now download KML file per polygon, and CSV report is updated with Area of polygon.

Version: 1.8.0
Date: 4 Jan 2018
– Major upgrade to our subscription system, and the addition of our Free tier customers.
– Refreshed look for flight record entry.
– Beta Feed. Now you can see all activities that is done in your company in homepage.

Version: 1.7.4
Date: 24 Nov 2017
– Map annotation groups. Now you can create your geospatial boundaries directly in the Map View of Library.
– Refreshed look for drone operations, with additional useful summary of your pilots, flights, drones and batteries.
– Publish your work to the public. In addition to sharing your projects in private to another Garuda Plex company, you can now share parts of your project (e.g. project markers or 2D Maps) online.

Version: 1.7.3
Date: 20 Oct 2017
– Map annotation summary reports. To segment your map annotations according to your private geospatial boundaries, first export them from your GIS as KML (1 KML file with multiple polygons) and upload the KML file into your project (under Map Layers). You will find them under “Project Map Layers” on your map annotation screen. Click on the Pie Chart to get individual polygon counts.
– Major upgrade to our backend messaging system, and the addition of the second tier of real-time communications between … *drumroll* … HUMANS, in addition to drones.
– For our enterprise API users, please note the change in authentication requirements as communicated separately. Please update your client software before upgrading to 1.7.3.

Version: 1.7.2
Date: 13 Sep 2017
– Beta Map Annotation feature – now you can add any point annotations (polygon etc coming soon) to a 2D Map (orthomosaic). All annotations are time-stamped, thus you can filter for annotations over a period of time.
– Revamped Ops equipment management. We heard your feedback for pre-listing some of the common drones in the system so that you don’t have to key in the specs. If you would like to have more drones listed, just drop us a note.
– KML layers can now be downloaded.

Version: 1.7.1
Date: 12 July 2017
– Launch Geotag Album feature – now you can geotag your images from your Drone Camera visually on the web. First, upload all your images into an Album. Make sure you add a .BIN log to a corresponding Flight Record. We will automatically fit your images to the flight log. Use arrow buttons to shift the pictures till it looks right when overlaid on the satellite images (or edit the time offset manually).
– NDP NOTAM added
– Revamp Deployment feature with the ability to add arbitrary flight plans

Version: 1.7.0
Date: 7 June 2017
– Launch real time air traffic monitoring for all Garuda Props users – sign into Plex from Props, and your drone will magically appear on for your company users.
– Revamp image Single View, now with chat-based interface for discussions
– Beta Launch buying maps directly from Plex – all subscribers get 1 free map made per company per month during beta period.

– Important change: from this release, we are now tracking time zones at the company level as well as album level, due to different camera time-stamping practices by different UAV providers (home time zone vs shooting location time zone). All previously uploaded images assume home time zone (based on your browser), but you can change the ones you upload moving forward to shooting location’s time zone. Search the Internet for “EXIF time zone” to understand why.

Version: 1.6.3
Date: 2 May 2017
– Garuda TowerSight now supports tower audit planning
– Bug fixing release

Version: 1.6.2
Date: 12 Apr 2017
– Tree annotations on Map
– Bug fixing release

Version: 1.6.1
Date: 30 Mar 2017
– Activity Feeds
– Image albums now available in library

Version: 1.6
Date: 14 Mar 2017
– Support for KML files in Map Layers
– Garuda SkyStream interface upgraded with telemetry
– Real time fleet management (API for drone manufacturers coming soon)

Version: 1.5
Date: 20 Dec 2016
– Deployment planning
– Garuda TowerSight API available for enterprise customers

Version: 1.4
Date: 15 Oct 2016
– Subscription: Garuda Plex general availability to retail customer
– Media Library V2, with orthomosaic support

Version: 1.3
Date: 25 Jul 2016
– Public Map tool (with Singapore No Fly Zones)
– Image annotation
– Garuda TowerSight integration

Version: 1.2 (renamed Garuda Plex)
Date: 25 Feb 2016
– Media Library
– Security Command Center

Version: 1.1
Date: 30 Oct 2015
– Migrated to Google Maps
– Garuda SkyStream integration

Version: 1.0 (as Project Planner)
Date: 26 Jun 2015
– Project Planner available for enterprise customers
